Sunday, August 5, 2012

Warning: A rant follows.

I'm really sick and tired of people making empty promises then bitching about the consequences of not going through with them.

You know what? If all of your problems happen while you're drunk, then stop drinking to get drunk.
If you keep getting pregnant? Invest in birth control or stop having sex with guys who don't want to wrap it up.
Having money problems? Get a job, get a better job, stop buying Louis Vuitton handbags.
Hate the city you live in? Find another city.
Keep failing classes? STOP FAILING CLASSES.

There are simple solutions to simple problems. If you take responsibility for your actions, keep consistent and don't cry wolf all the time, your life can be a damn dream. I'm just exhausted by the fact that people have issues that they convince themselves they can't fix. I'm ALSO exhausted by the fact that my friends who do this (all. the. time.) expect me to fix it for them.
In the past, this has definitely been the case. I don't mind helping people when they need it. It's my MO. I hate it when people aren't happy, but I'm also to the point where I don't want to be held responsible for everyone's happiness. 

All in all, I guess I'm just saying to nut up and shut the hell up.