Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Since last I wrote...

I have kept my promise and am currently in a Not-A-Cat-Lady state of being.

I have also...

  • Gotten fired from Big Girl Job #1.
  • Gotten hired at a start-up company for Big Girl Job #2.
  • Bought my first NEW CAR.
  • Come to the realization that the United States healthcare system is insane and that I am an expensive person to keep alive.
  • Moved in with my boyfriend of almost two years.
  • Traveled for work for the first time.
  • Started a balcony garden (whoop-te-do, right?)
  • Regretted things.
  • Lost things.
  • Found things.
  • Disconnected.
  • Reconnected.
  • Come to grips with certain aspects of ME (My name is Megan, and I am a diabetic).
  • Started half-assedly trying to budget my finances (Is this real life? How long do I have to do this?).
  • Rode a jet ski for the first time in years.
  • Drove a moped for the first time ever.
  • Decided to buy my own moped (this is forthcoming; don't tell my parents).
  • Continued being a sarcastic brat with a penchant for the occasional Drink-a-Bottle-of-Wine-By-Myself nights.
So, life has been busy. I told myself that I would start blogging again since I actually have the time and the mental capacity to do it, but I've rewritten much of this post about eighty thousand times and am not sure if my writing voice is the way I want it to be. However, upon reflection (oooh, how deep), I think that's part of being a person who writes. Or, as a matter of fact (or opinion, whatever), that's just a part of being a person in general. Aren't we all constantly wondering if we convey ourselves the way we want to? I wonder all the time whether people understand what I mean when I open my mouth and all the word vomit just spews out.

I think I have a mind-to-mouth filter problem. Meaning: there is no filter. Mind you, I've actually been working on this. I recognized earlier this year that while I don't necessarily have an anger issue, I certainly have an issue with choosing my battles. And while this doesn't solely apply to my work life, let's just say that no job is ever 100 percent perfection and that never in your life are you going to get along with each and every one of the people you work with.

It's a shame that I am starting off talking poorly about something that I'm actually very happy with. I do love my job. I do love the company I work for. I do love (most of) the people I work with and for. However, as I mentioned above, no job is perfect, no work relationship is perfect, and no matter how much you adore what you do, things.go.wrong. It's just a fact of life (read: work). The reality is that there is much more to this than I have room for right now. I'll expand at a later time.

I think I want to start writing about self-reflection. Not in a spiritual way or in a Rent-A-Van-And-Explore-The-Country-With-$20-In-My-Pocket way, but a realistic way. I want to look at myself through others' eyes and then again through my own. Really, I don't know what I think of myself most days, and it will be nice and probably enlightening to look at me from a different perspective than the one I get with a mirror (or, let's be honest, a selfie god I hate that word).

Soon, y'all.