Thursday, October 27, 2011

Roll With the Punches...

Who ceases to be a friend never was one. -Greek Proverb

Oh how the chips they fall. This, my friends, is a year of burning bridges and clearing up cobwebs..

And by bridges and cobwebs, I mean bitchy ex-friends and ex-boyfriends who could never really appreciate me for my friendship and who I am. I've gone through some drama in the past few months, and it's really hard to imagine that I'm as content with it as I am. I'm content with having lost some of the people who, at one point or another, meant more to me than they could have known. But in the end, I've realized that these people don't deserve me.

They don't deserve what I have to offer them as a friend or girlfriend. I've spent more than an adequate amount of time and energy on these people and their ridiculous drama. Quite frankly, I'm relieved that I don't feel obligated to support or enable them anymore. In a way, I have come into a sense of freedom that I have never really known before. It's enlightening, to say the least, and I feel like an incredible weight has been lifted off of my back.

In other news... KATIE HAS GOTTEN MARRIED! I'm so excited to share this news with the world. The wedding was beautiful, the reception was beautiful, the bride was beautiful. Hell, the bride IS beautiful. I can't wait to see the kinds of experiences that Katie and Eric will go through together. I have to say, though, I'm already jealous of their honeymoon. The two of them have been in NYC since this past Monday, and Katie won't stop sending pictures to me. I am an ugly, green monster named "Envy."

Not much is going on by way of the job front. Honestly, I haven't looked very hard, but the search is going to become pretty frantic pretty soon, considering the fact that my bank account is looking rather slim lately.

Anyway, I'm fairly aware that my writing hasn't been up to par lately, but I'm going to keep trying to make a concerted effort to post more often.