Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If I could reach the stars...

It has recently come to my attention that I have been neglecting my artistic "talents."

Most of my friends, family and associations know me as a rather avid writer (despite a very long break from this blog). But one of my other passions is photography. I suppose my passion for the art actually started in high school when my parents bought me my first little digital camera, but my interest in it stretches back to when I got an i-zone sticker camera in elementary school (seriously, does anyone else remember those things? THEY WERE AWESOME).

I've always loved photography, had a rather keen eye for a good photo or pleasing composition, but I never really considered myself talented in being able to capture those precious moments in time. When I got my first digital camera, I remember being pretty ecstatic. "I can document everything! I can remember everything! I can carry it with me everywhere! With this little camera, I will rule the world!"... Well, not really, but I suppose you should know that I was, in a word, over-excitable when I was young(er). 

I never took any photography classes. Never really bothered to read up on techniques or famous photographers. The extent of my knowledge of the art was limited to what I would stumble upon on the internet or in the clearance book bins at Wal-Mart. In the past few years, this has all changed. I make a concentrated effort to look through galleries of art online, I buy books instructing readers on proper "rule of thirds" technique, and I even went so far as to get Creative Suite 5 in order to edit what I produce. I'm happy to say that I graduated from my shotty little point and shoot cameras last April and actually own a quality piece of photography equipment. Granted, I still only have one lens besides the one that came with the camera itself, but I manage pretty well when I want to. 

I'm putting more effort into my skills in photography. I want to draw inspiration from my experiences and my love for people and the lines, curves and angles of nature. While browsing the internet yesterday, I found a website dedicated to a monthly project for photographers. The project is called "26 Things: a Photographic Scavenger Hunt." The point of the project is to take 1 photo for each of the 26 items in a list that is posted monthly on sh1ft.org/projects. This month, however, instead of 26 items to shoot, the list is 13 items long, and participators must take two pictures of each item or theme. On the first of the next month, each participator is to return to the website and share their 26 things.

By now, I'm sure that you've guess that I plan on trying the project out. I'm hoping that this project will help me sharpen my skills and increase my awareness of the world around me. 

All of that being said, here is the 26 Things list of November 2011.

1. Dark
2. Glow
3. Smile
4. Weather
5. New
6. Round
7. Tangle
8. Up in the air
9. Patterns
10. Tomorrow

11. Eyes
12. A sign
13. A Self Portrait

I think I will start tomorrow...