Thursday, December 22, 2011

All I want for you to be is happy, or something.

I should have known that I wouldn't keep up with this. Although I haven't been posting daily or every other day as I had originally planned, I have actually been taking quite a few pictures. I think I'm coming into a certain style of photography that I never really expected to be at least mildly good at. Most of my photos nowadays are darker and a bit more simplistic. I love motion and detail and shadows. I love how the light coming in through the window can be a different shade on different slats on the blinds (as seen in Day 9 picture). Anyway, here are a few more of my December pictures. I'll update sooner (I hope) rather than later with more.

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15
Day 16
Day 17

Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22

Thursday, December 8, 2011

At night your body is a symphony.


Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Sunday, December 4, 2011

If I Never See Your Face Again, I Don't Mind.

Oh, screw it. I think I'm going to upload all of my December pictures two at a time. It'll be easier to do and it will make tricking you into thinking that I'm actually taking a picture every day easier. Just kidding...kind of.

Day 3

Day 4

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Kiss With a Fist is Better Than None.

Welp, the December photo challenge is already under way. This month, instead of taking pictures of 26 different themes/ideas/concepts/subjects, participants have been asked to take a photo a day. I don't expect that I'll get too frustrated with the project, but here's to hoping that I can keep my stride up with interesting subjects. I like this kind of project because you are free to choose your subjects at random; you don't have to choose them based on an idea and whatnot.

I'm well aware that I didn't post a picture for yesterday, so I'm going to double it up today and try to keep up the one-a-day pace for the remainder of the month (we'll see, though, since it IS December, and that means I will be super busy the whole month).

And now... Pictures.

December 1st.

December 2nd

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Heard songs are sweet, but unheard songs are sweeter.

Okay, 26 Things was a bitch to finish up, and I didn't even get to finish it all! Admittedly, I dipped into my older photos. I guess my capacity for inspiration just wasn't up to par this month. Hopefully, this will change with the December 26 Things challenge. I did edit a few of the photos, mostly just color saturation to bring focus to specific things. That being said, here are my submissions (they are all out of order because I uploaded them out of order...whoops).

1. Dark
2. Glow
3. Smile
4. Weather
5. New
6. Round
7. Tangle
8. Up in the air
9. Patterns
10. Tomorrow

11. Eyes
12. A sign

13. A Self Portrait
Self Portrait

A Sign



Up In The Air





Self Portrait

A Sign



Up In The Air



Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friends stab you in the front...or something like that.

Do you ever just have one of those days when anything remotely emotional sends you into a bout of tears?

Maybe I can chalk it up to being premenstrual (sorry, guys, but it's probably the truth), but something has...well, ignited in me today. I have honestly started crying about six or seven times. Obviously, I haven't stopped to count how many times I actually let the waterworks go, but that's beside the point. Anyway, it started this afternoon when I was watching reruns of So You Think You Can Dance. In season seven, Kent Boyd and Neil Haskell dance a contemporary piece choreographed by Travis Wall.

I'm posting the video from Youtube of the whole piece, but for those who don't want to watch it, I'll explain. The story behind the dance goes a little like this...

Two friends, lifelong and seemingly loyal, begin to grow apart. One of the young men (in this, played by Kent) discovers his friend (played by Neil) has done something to betray him. A scuffle ensues, arguments, altercations, whatnot of the like. In the end of the dance, the two seem to have accepted that their bridge has burnt and that the likeliness of a reunion is slim to none.

When I first saw the dance last year, I hardly thought of it as anything more than a pretty (albeit raw) twirl across a floor. I never thought that the pain striking across poor Kent's face when Neil stabs him in the back would ever register across my own. I won't go into any painstaking details as it's personal and very probably improper to discuss it via the internet, but I've recently come to a reevaluation of my friendships with a certain few people.

This year has been mandated by some grace of the universe for burning bridges. Several of my friends who I was close to are no longer friends anymore. It takes quite a bit to upset me, but as most of you know, I'm a loyal person. I believe in second chances and practice giving them infinitely. I don't like to give up on relationships; it has always been hard for me to do that.

Anyway, without further ado, I present Kent Boyd and Neil Haskell's contemporary piece chronicling the demise of a long lasting friendship.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

So the 26 Things is quite a bit more of a challenge than I would have originally thought. Still, I'm working on it as best I can. I should be able to draw on some other resources come the end of next week, when I go on a trip to Wimberley with some family members.

I'm trying to decide how I will track my progress. Besides making a separate folder for the 26 Things I photograph, I think I might end up uploading only one of the two photos I take for each thing until the very end of the challenge. This way, I can at least keep you guys KIND OF stimulated and in the dark, so to speak, on my journey through the project. There are only a couple of the tasks that I'm really worried about capturing. Weather is hard to capture in photo when you live in a state going through a record-breaking drought (not to mention, Texas only really has two seasons; summer and dead). Tomorrow is going to be difficult for me to complete. Beyond taking a picture of a calendar, I can't really think of much else to use for that specific item. Any suggestions would be gladly considered...

6. Round

11. Eyes
1. Dark
2. Glow
3. Smile
4. Weather
5. New
7. Tangle
8. Up in the air
9. Patterns
10. Tomorrow

12. A sign

13. A Self Portrait 

A note to readers: I try my best to keep my images unedited. All of the imperfections you may see (especially in my skin, blech) are reality. If the image isn't what I want it to be, I tend to take more pictures until I capture the effect I see in my head.