Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No cure for that but the cause!

Things are going much much better.

While I am just as busy as I was before (and very probably, busier), I am in a much better place both mentally and emotionally. I think it must have something with the fact that I am getting a tan. FINALLY. I can't wait to look all nice and bronzed. It will be FABULOUS.

Other than that, nothing really new has happened. I am just trying to muddle through the day-to-day without punching someone in the sternum. Actually, it is kind of funny I still harbor the urge to do that even though I am feeling much much better than I was a couple of weeks ago. I will disregard it as my tried and true ability to sense and hone in on other people's bullshit. A note from the writer to the readers: this "ability" is no superpower. In fact, it could quite possibly be one of the most ludicrous curses moonlighting as a blessing.

That being said, I am still quite annoyed with some people. Granted, this will never change. People will always seem rude and pretentious to me in many capacities. As I am working closely with some of these goons, it is fairly certain for me to say that my appreciation for those people who choose to think before they open wide their yaps (or even those who choose to keep said yaps closed) has reached an all-time apex. To those think-before-speaking speakers, I commend you. Your ability to carefully pick and choose your words to fit a situation is more than admirable. I do not care (at the moment, at least) if it makes you seem calculating or diplomatic. Let's face it, diplomacy is tyranny with a smile and a pretty word. You guys are rad. (well-said, Megan, goodness gracious)

I realize now that I must seem as if I do not care for other people at all.

Oh, but I do. I do care greatly for other people. I care for opinions and wants and needs, ambition or lack thereof, promiscuity and innocence, intelligence or simplicity. I care about the wide range of emotions people can experience within a split second. The capacity for human potential for...well, anything, really, is absolutely stellar. If there is a purpose to life, it is to reach without of our bounds and grab a hold of something new and strange and impossible. It is within us to experience and live and love. It is within us to prove one another wrong in many ways.

Readers, I appreciate humanity. I appreciate people in many different ways.

However, I will be damned if someone thinks I will tolerate absurdity and blatant idiocy. Despite insurmountable evidence to the contrary, I refuse to believe that many people I encounter are here simply to make the rest of us seem smarter. There are just far too many people willing to submit to mediocrity or being average simply because they can. Your capacity for excellence is unbelievable. Live up to it. You can't save the world by being pretty, so just own up to your intelligence.

...Rant done.
Over and out.